Hi All

Is anyone able to run the RN RML command on Centos 6 to run a simple script in 
the /home/rd/... directory? I hand the same problem with Centos 5 but once I 
the ownership/permissions on the entire /home directory and all it's contents 
it worked. This does not seem to fix the problem on Centos 6 appliance :-(

Kind regards


Fred's response from last time:

On Aug 1, 2012, at 10:41 18, Fred Gleason wrote:

Confirmed here.  Now, let's see what's going on...

Ok, looks like a permissions thing.  The RN RML executes as the user/group 
configured in the 'AudioOwner='
and 'AudioGroup=' entries in '/etc/rd.conf'.  On Broadcast Appliance, these 
will both be 'rivendell' by
default.  Thus, if you are attempting to access data on the filesystem, you 
will need to ensure that that
data is accessible (readable and/or writeable) by the 'rivendell' user and 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |

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