Why not have a cart with a 4 or 5 second segue before your chain to.

On Thu, 2014-12-04 at 21:17 +0000, Pedro Picoto wrote:
> Is there a way to ask (macro) RD to:
> - At  23.50 load the next day log on the aux log 1 and play from it
> after midnight?
> To mitigate the usual 1 second dead-air at midnight when using
> hard-starts...
> Loading the next day log on aux.log 1 and then edit it checking the
> start Date Enable to the next day makes the RDairplay crash, at least
> to me.
> Independent question  from above: when an aux log is loaded and starts
> playing HOW do I see it on the playout carts like the main one?
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