
Natural Log works beautifully with Rivendell. The key is to set up a 
"Rivendell" output filter on Natural Log, then map the columns on a Custom 
Import filter inside of RDadmin. 

It takes a little messing around, but once it's in - it works great. 


Brian P. McGlynn
Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 9, 2015, at 7:13 PM, James L. Stewart <jstew...@paceaudio.com> wrote:
> I did get the demo (freely downloadable) version Natural Log 
> (http://www.nat-soft.com) to to install and at least start up under WINE.  I 
> never took it any further than that.  This software could be above your 
> budget as even the stripped down "Lite" version is $500 USD, but the full 
> version does feature compare with the "big players" in this market, and is a 
> favorite with a "Traffic Lady" that I know that has used most all of them at 
> one time or another. I'm guessing one could create a custom import filter in 
> Rivendel that would match the fixed "Simian Lite" export format locked into 
> the "Lite" version.
> Oh and we are using the full version on our station, but running it on a 
> Windows machine.
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