> ... config a small box (I hope to use a Raspberry Pi but will scale up until I
>find one with the needed power to serve in this capacity) such that when it
>is plugged into a network and amp/speakers somewhere it will connect to an
>icecast stream automatically and play it out of the speakers.

I have done this.

>It will detect silence in the stream (including the stream going down) and
>switch to playing (a playlist of) locally stored files.

But haven't done this on a Raspberry pi

>It will detect when the stream audio comes back and cut out the local audio
>and go back to stream audio.

>All headless and automatic.

Have done this with our slightly different setup.  In our setup we have a PC at 
a mountain-top transmitter site that runs Windows so it can run a commercial 
audio processing & FM stereo composite signal generation program, but we also 
have it receiving an audio stream (using mplayer in a Windows Batch file) from 
the Internet delivered from the in-town studio.  I do have Windows scripts that 
do all this (plays locally stored audio during stream failure, attempts to 
connect to a backup studio, plus logs everything for later inspection, etc), so 
at least I am familiar with the issues.  

> I am trying to use:

>silentjack (to detect the silence)
>jack_connect (to change the jack routing on setup and on command from

Our main studio uses a GPI input from the silence sensor built into a Broadcast 
Tools ACS 8.2, but we have a backup Rivendell computer (in another city!) that 
simply uses silentjack to do things based on what it determines the problem 
might be.  For us it is typically that rdairplay has crashed while trying to 
pull up the next days log so we simply restart it. Other times it is because a 
live web stream broadcast got lost.

>audio players:

>mplayer (or its frontends)

Last time I played with jack on a Raspberry pi, I found it a little bit 
unstable, but I was trying to do more with it than you are.  It seems that you 
might need to use a "real" (and stable, as in some are much better than others) 
USB sound device as the master clock for Jack unless you use netjack and lock 
it to a master on another computer.  I think some of the instability is from 
the lack of a "real time" kernel available for the pi (maybe there is one now, 
but I think there were some issues with the ARM processor that prevents this).  
In any case I think you can get it working well enough for your purposes, just 
expect to need to dial in a few seconds of latency.

>Problems I think I need to solve:

>A way to "statically name" the main stream player so that I can refer to it
>in scripts.
>So far, I am not seeing how to do that with mplayer or vlc, the names seem
>to be tied to the pid.

You can do this with mplayer, but not vlc.  I have run mplayer on the pi, but 
not VLC.
We do have VLC receiving a web stream on our studio Rivendell machine, and yes 
it always has a jack name that includes it's process ID at the end, which is 
always different.  I have a script that reads the process ID once VLC get 
running so it knows how to connect it in Jack.  It is all done in a shell 
script called by Rivendell.

>Is there a better way to go about this?
So I like mplayer for this since you can do a static jack name.  We are only 
currently using VLC because with our (somewhat now old, Debian "Squeeze" based) 
studio system, the mplayer version doesn't support the stream we are trying to 
get and VLC does.

>If it hasn't already been done, I will write this all up when I am done.

I'll be happy to share code with you, but since your needs are a little 
different than mine, it might be better for me to just help you with places 
where you might be having problems.

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