On 02/13/2015 10:10 AM, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
It's the plain old US-122 (without L or MKII)

I actually was asking Mark which one he had, as he is the original poster. I know which one the howto is written for, and how old that howto is (Fedora Core 5 is in the CentOS 5 age range). I remember trying several years back (prior to the release of CentOS 6) to get my US-428 (and later a US-224) to work, and finally just using AVLinux instead, since it worked out of the box with AVLinux with no extra tweaks required. I did get it working with Fedora 14 several years back, which would be very similar to getting it to work on CentOS 6, but I've misplaced my notes on the details necessary.

I have a US-144 (which needs the US-122L driver and a USB 1.1 port or hub to work, and acts like a US-122L, and it works out of the box on CentOS 7). I also have a US-428 and a US-224, which act more like the older US-122 and need the whole us-x2y stack, which is present in CentOS 7, but I've not physically tried it as yet.

For the usx2y stack, you can get the two main rpms you will need from the linuxtech repo (see http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories for a link), or you can use the LinuxTECH backports repo and pull in a newer ALSA stack. The two core rpms you need are alsa-tools and alsa-tools-firmware. You will then need to find the actual firmware. CentOS 7 includes these packages out of the box, but CentOS 6 does not.

You could alternatively attempt to install the alsa-tools and alsa-tools-firmware from the updates of Fedora 12 (for x86_64, a direct link to the first of these is https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/updates/12/x86_64/alsa-tools-1.0.22-1.fc12.x86_64.rpm ). Fedora 12 shipped ALSA 1.0.20; Fedora 13 shipped 1.0.23, and EL6 shipped 1.0.22. Likewise, you could attempt to install the alsa-firmware package from either F12 or F13 even though there will be version skew. It helps to remember that EL6 is something of a hybrid of F12 and F13 with other versions of packages thrown in, and many packages yanked out. Many F12 and F13 (and even F14) packages will install just fine in EL6, but since updates have been backported into EL6 many will now, so that might or might not work. The LinuxTECH packages are built with updated EL6, but there's not an alsa-firmware package there. And the F12/13/14 packages will not get updated, so installer, beware.

I hope some of that scatteredness helps a bit. These older Tascam USB interfaces have been orphaned by Tascam, but they still provide excellent converters and excellent quality. The control surfaces on the US-428 and US-224 can be made to work on Ardour/Mixbus, too, and bring more of a traditional mix experience to working in that DAW.

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