I have an update for this problem I posted on 2/12. I can now download from
the amb-ux folder and the Windows machine but I have to enter the Rivendell
username and the root password in order for it to work. I have been using
Rivendell for 5 years and it has never required a username and password to
catch local files. I must be the first person to have this issue since
nobody has commented.



I have a new installation of Rivendell 2.10.2 on Centos 6.6 on a new

computer with the database transferred from my current operating Rivendell

box. RDCatch is requiring a username for downloading files from the amb-ux

folder and from my Windows production machine. It has no problem downloading

from ftp sites over the internet.  My current Rivendell box has always

grayed out the username and password for catching files locally. I also have

a new install of Rivendell 2.10.2 on a client workstation that has nothing

in it's database yet and it behaves the same way. I have tried to use

various usernames that I thought should have worked but no success. Is this

a bug or a feature?


Here what the log says:

Feb 12 14:38:28 rd01 rdcatchd: loading event 85, Type: download, Cut:



Feb 12 14:38:30 rd01 rdcatchd: starting download of

file:///home/rd/Ambos_Downloads/HARV_KNG5_02-12-15_01-01.MP2 to , id=85


Feb 12 14:38:32 rd01 rdcatchd: download of /tmp/rdcatchd-download-85.MP2

returned an error: "Invalid User", id=85





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