I couldn't find the current ones at all. I ended up using Virtualbox on a 
Windows machine, installing the appliance. Updating it & then that had the 
windows files on it, then just copied them as needed. 

Unfortunately I'm not in the same country at the moment otherwise I would have 
zipped them up & made them available through Dropbox. 

Regards Richard.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 20, 2015, at 03:27, Morten Krarup Nielsen <morte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here?
> http://rivendellaudio.org/ftpdocs/rivendell/win32/
> 2015-03-19 20:47 GMT+01:00 <jsco...@wifiam1460.com>:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have been searching for the windows version of RDLogEdit, RDLogManager, 
>> RMLSend, and RDSoftKeys tools. I have looked all over for them. The 
>> Rivendell wiki has an old ftp link to them (it even states link dead on the 
>> page). We did not use the Paravel Systems Broadcast Appliance DVD so the 
>> files are not in /var/win32
>> Can someone please direct us to the correct place to downloads these files.
>> Thank you,
>> Joseph Scocca
>> IT Director
>> The New Victory
>> WIFI AM 1460
>> jsco...@wifiam1460.com
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