On Thu, 26 Mar 2015 08:16:04 -0400
John Anderson <j...@2601.net> wrote:

> On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 19:04 -0700, Rich Stivers wrote:
> > 
> > Our station has differing requirements for segue's. Most of our DJ's 
> > want either mild or no segues, some wanting tight segues, but these
> > DJ's are in the minority. However I need to accommodate everyone's
> > segue style and I believe I can do this by assigning different segue
> > values for each genre we have. 
> <Ducking>  Of course, here is where a Program or Operations Director is
> a good thing.  Letting DJ's make decisions on "HOW" a station sounds, is
> usually a "less than smart" concept.. <

  Except in volunteer community radio, where one finds out very quickly
that mandating a sound kills all motivation to volunteer.  If the
station does not give the volunteers a loose rein, there aren't any
volunteers.  Same is true for the campus student station at my alma
mater.  Over the years, a group of alumni has helped guide it from near
oblivion to an LP-FM.  The station sponsors a yearly multi-stage music
extravaganza, and that event makes the station the largest student
volunteer organization on campus.  However, back at the station, there
are barely enough volunteers to man 6 to 8 hours of live airshifts a
day, and that includes 2 hours daily of sports talk, which currently has
the highest interest for volunteers and the highest audience.  The
student managers and PD's say that if they did not let the students do
what they wanted when on air, there would be no volunteers at all.  This
is at a school with 35,000+ student enrollment.  Far cry from the '60's
and '70's when that station was the only one in town playing rock and
roll, and there were more airshift volunteers than hours in the day.
And the station was carrier current back then, limiting the audience to
only the dorms and houses immediately surrounding those dorms.  It now
covers the whole town.

On Wed, 25 Mar 2015 19:04:34 -0700,
Rich Stivers <r...@stivers-bros.com> wrote:

> BTW, I tried RdMarkerset and it works correctly in setting segue 
> markers. This utility may be of help for your 4000 pre-1955 songs
> you need to add, provided they can be localized to unique groups.
> This is because the downside of RdMarkerset is it can only change
> segue markers in an entire Group or All Groups. It would be very
> advantageous if RdMarkerset could be enhanced to allow one or more
> Cart ID's to be specified or excluded, individually or in ranges. <

  Oooh, thanks for the tip!  You can easily make this work if you do not
'enforce group ranges' in "Manage Groups" in RDAdmin.  I have already
done this to separate out songs that are live recordings or have FCC
questionable content.  Songs are marked in the title (LIVE), (CONTENT),
or (LYRICS), so searching for those, then changing their group to a new
one with an undefined range allows keeping them from being scheduled, or
permits working on them (like changing the segue markers), then
returning them to the MUSIC group.  That would be a fine solution in my
case and likely yours, too.

  My wish list would be for a "must NOT have code" in addition to the
"must have code" in the Event Editor in RDLogManager.  This is a little
complex, but there are 2 ways of getting around that.  One is to move
the unwanted songs (LIVE in my case) to a new group.  The other is that
very fortunately, I created the LOSS and NOLOSS codes to identify
whether the material was imported from MP3's or PCM files as described
in the Brett Blog.  So the entire music library has one of those
designations.  I already tagged LIVE songs with a schedule code, and
then specified in the Scheduler Rules of the Clock Editor (again
RDLogManager) that the LIVE code should never be scheduled after LOSS
and NOLOSS--effectively all songs in the library.  Both methods
completely stopped LIVE songs from being scheduled.

--Chuck W.

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