If all your hardware checks out OK, I would suggest upgrading to the very latest Rivendell version.

Also (a tip received from Robert) do an auto repair of the database using the command (as root) mysqlcheck -A --auto-repair. We run it as a crontab every night with 7 19 * * * mysqlcheck -A --auto-repair >/var/www/html/rank.log 2>&1

Warren Mead

On 13/05/15 01:50, Marcos Romero wrote:

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <https://yho.com/footer0>

---- Begin Forwarded Message ----

    *From: *Marcos Romero<'marc_...@yahoo.com'>
    *Date: *Apr 20, 2015, 13:49:49
    *To: *<'rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org'>
    *Subject: *RdAirPlay Crash
    I sent this email some time ago. I wonder if I am missing some
    protocol or some language details, since it seems the message has
    not been noticed at all. However, the crash on of RdAirPlay is a
    real problem for us. Any help will be very appreciated.
    With gratitude,
    I think I addressed this issue long ago. We have been coping with
    this problem for almost a year. At least we know when RdAirPlay
    crashes, in our case.

    We have 4 workstations linked to a dedicated server for audio
    files and the mysql database. We installed Rivendell using the DVD
    Appliance. Our Rivendell's version is up to date.

    When does RdAirplay crashes in our system?

    When a producer is doing Voice Tracking and a Auto-refresh is
    executed and, for a fraction of time (seconds or fraction of a
    second) the cart that RdAirplay is playing struggles or stops.

    How did we reproduced the crash?
    1. We set our system to auto refresh.
    2. We load Rdairplay, making sure that no cart will be playing.
    3. A voice tracker saves his/her track
    4. RdAirplay crashes!

    If RdAirplay is playing a cart or has played a cart of the log and
    for some reason, at the moment of the Refresh, there is not cart
    playing, RdAirplay DOES NOT crash.

    So we suspect that we get this crashes, as I explained, during a
    refresh, after a voice track has been saved and only if RdAirplay
    strugles, reloads and for a fraction of time no cart is playing.
    Sorry that I can't use technical jargon to explain the problem.
    Maybe one of the developers can take a look a this situation. Most
    of the time our system works fine. However, it would be great if
    the problem could be fixed.

    With gratitude,



    Message: 1
    Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 12:03:18 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com <javascript:return>>
    To: Alessio Elmi <alessio.e...@gmail.com <javascript:return>>
    Cc: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation
    <rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org <javascript:return>>
    Subject: Re: [RDD] rdairplay crash investigation
    Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

    It's hard to imagine a hardware error that will cause
    rdairplay to exit
    but not manifest itself in other ways. I'm used to hardware
    manifesting themselves at lower levels, e.g. screen

    Also, I've taken the hard drove out of a suspect machine,
    mounted it in an
    entirely different machine, and booted from it. The problem
    persists. That
    would suggest it isn't a hardware issue.


    On Mon, 13 Apr 2015, Alessio Elmi wrote:

    > Rob,
    > if you use liquidsoap just as a streamer - since I read
    you replaced
    > it with Darkice - you can give glasscoder (by FredG) a
    try, which is
    > designed to talk with JACK and is known to work
    smoothly on CentOS.
    > Regardig your experienced crashes do you feel positive
    they are
    > software related and not hardware related?
    > 2015-04-13 20:59 GMT+02:00 Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com
    >> I dumped liquidsoap for darkice. I can't get
    liquidsoap to play nice on
    >> Centos 6.
    >> Rob
    >> On Mon, 13 Apr 2015, Rob Landry wrote:
    >>> Well, things aren't going well on the crash
    investigation front. I want to
    >>> duplicate one of my Debian 7 machines using
    CentOS 6, but I'm finding it
    >>> difficult, as many of the packages I need don't
    seem to be available for
    >>> CentOS. It's taken me several days of work to
    get Rivendell to compile and
    >>> run on this old hardware, and liquidsoap, which
    I had to compile from
    >>> scratch, won't talk to JACK. It says:
    >>> strange error flushing buffer...
    >>> ERR: jack_wrapper.c::JACK_Error(793) zombified
    - calling shutdown handler
    >>> ERR: jack_wrapper.c::JACK_Error(793) cannot
    read response from jack server
    >>> (No such file or directory)
    >>> Did I mention how much I hate "no such file or
    directory" messages that
    >>> don't tell me what the file is, or where it's
    supposed to be? Grrrrrrrr...
    >>> Does anyone know where I can find a precompiled
    32-bit liquidsoap RPM for
    >>> Centos 6? I don't trust the one I've compiled,
    and suspect there's a missing
    >>> prerequisite that ./configure doesn't catch.
    >>> Rob
    >>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
    >>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org <javascript:return>
    >>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
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    >> Rivendell-dev mailing list
    >> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org <javascript:return>
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