
That is exactly what that Core Audio Engine setting is for.  You can set
up a new host (in this case, Host 2), and tell it in rdadmin to use the
audio engine (in this case, another word for the sound card) on Host 1. 
Then you just set your audio in's and out's based on the resources
available on Host 1.  It works quite well (and can be lots of fun on
April 1st when you want to make unexpected audio come out of someone's
cue speaker!)

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [RDD] Interface on one machine, playout on another?
> From: Jay Eames <alcham...@googlemail.com>
> Date: Wed, May 13, 2015 1:06 am
> To: John Anderson <j...@2601.net>
> Cc: "rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org"
> <rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org>
> Not sure if this will help, or in fact if this was part of the design, but I 
> have inadvertently done this in the past by setting the host core audio 
> engine of an auxiliary machine to that of the playout PC in rdadmin host 
> settings.
> > On 13 May 2015, at 04:43, John Anderson <j...@2601.net> wrote:
> > 
> >> On Tue, 2015-05-12 at 22:32 -0500, Keith Thelen wrote:
> >> 
> >> Right now I have one machine all set up and running Rivendell. I’m 
> >> planning on adding a second machine to the mix - 
> >> an all-in-one unit with a touchscreen, no expansion slots, and no on-board 
> >> audio hardware. The purpose of this second 
> >> machine would be to run RDPanel, allowing the talent to have more buttons 
> >> at their fingertips. Simple enough.
> > 
> > is this the same studio or an extension?  is there some reason you just
> > didn't add a 2nd screen.
> > 
> >> 
> >> Thing is, I’d like to have this second machine merely act as an extension 
> >> of the first. 
> >> Any audio playout triggered on it would actually occur on the other 
> >> machine. I’m not talking
> >> about a netjack-type scenario - the idea would be that no audio would 
> >> actually be handled by
> > 
> > more like an aux studio...?  I'd likely do a kvm extension on some video
> > extenders...(of course, I do have that laying around).  In a whole lot
> > of cases, I use an older tried and true (& CHEAP) way to not reinvent
> > the wheel.
> > 
> > I know some folks were experiment with thin clients, but, it's seems
> > like a bit of bother for no real reason
> > 
> > 
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