Pedro, that sounds like a cool setup. Could really use for a machine
running a music-only format. If you have some spare time a guide for
setting it up would be great :-)

2015-05-27 2:40 GMT+02:00 Pedro Picoto <>:

> Just a short non-answer... In my setup, using Tryphon reps for a 14.04
> Ubuntu setup, I have Rivendell, Stereo Tool, Butt/Icecast and Jack working
> together. No trouble at all beside the pulseaudio-jack terminal tweaking.
> .
> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 8:56 PM, James L. Stewart <>
> wrote:
>> Yet another thing you need to make sure is right is your "asound.conf"
>> file.  This configures all your ALSA sound devices and as well as appears
>> to set up Rivendell to use Jackd.  Rivendell comes with a little program
>> called "rdalsaconfig" that helps write this for you.  It turns out that
>> ALSA itself has quite a bit of power/flexibility to do all kinds of odd
>> things with sound hardware beyond how most people use.
>> Note that you can have a "master" asound.conf file in /etc but then have
>> a different hidden one in your user root directory called ".asound.conf"
>> (note the "."), which will override the master one. This "got" me once, so
>> be aware.
>> I had to learn about some of this a few years ago when setting up a
>> Rivendell workstation that I wanted to work in reasonable fashion in two
>> different modes:  When it is plugged into our "airchain" audio device
>> (which is a convenient external USB multi-channel audio device) or
>> "offline" when not connected to such and therefore just using the simple
>> audio that is integrated into the motherboard.  I also wanted to use some
>> "loopback" audio devices that the Jack Audio resamplers use
>> (alsa_in/alsa_out) to work with additional sound devices and/or non jack
>> compliant software in a less than desirable way.  I got it all to work
>> (modes are only automatically detected and thus configured upon bootup
>> however), but have since forgotten some of the details of how I did it, so
>> would need to review my config files.
>> I totally agree that jackd and all clients of jackd (like rivendell and
>> your processor software) needs to be run with the same user credentials, or
>> at least I've never been able to get them to run any other way.
>> I agree that jackd is temperamental to get running, but once you get
>> there I've found it to be awesome and stable, so well worth the effort.
>> On 5/26/2015 5:14 AM,
>> wrote:
>>> Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 11:32:09 -0700
>>> From: Eugene<>
>>> Subject: [RDD]  Configuring Jack For v2.10.2 Appliance
>>> Message-ID:<>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>> OK, let's try this again and I'll be more direct.  Getting acquainted
>>> with Rivendell Appliance v2.10.2 and want to connect to jackd server in
>>> order to use processing (stereo tool).  Here are my specific issues so
>>> far:
>>> (1) Since Jack must be run as same owner as Rivendell daemons...
>>> I checked and seem to have a combination of user/owner assignments (no
>>> doubt revealing my linux ignorance).
>>> When I ls -l /var/run/rivendell the result is...
>>> caed and ripcd are "rivendell:root"
>>> jackd and rdcatchd are "root:root"
>>> so, I changed jackd to "rivendell:root" and the result was still no
>>> evidence of jack in the Rivendell host> Audio resource listing, or
>>> Rivendell in the jack connect list.  Yes I restarted rivendell services
>>> with no change.
>>> Also, if it matters,
>>> When I ls -l /var   the result is...
>>>     /var/snd is "rivendell:rivendell"
>>> (2) ...and this is likely a hitch, in Rivendell Manage Hosts>Jack
>>> Settings, I've checked the box to start the server, added the "default"
>>> name, but not sure what goes in the command line(s) for Jack and Jack
>>> clients (if anything).
>>> Probably all very elementary, but perhaps setting specific to the
>>> appliance.  Greatly appreciate any suggestions
>>> Eugene
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