I also installed a fresh appliance DVD and installed all updates -
same problem as you. I just wanted to give a quick demo of Rivendell
to a friend, so I didn't bother to find out what was wrong

2016-02-03 23:31 GMT+01:00 Jamie Dominey <jdomi...@eastlink.ca>:
> I've been running Rivendell on Ubuntu for several years, but want to
> move to the broadcast appliance.
> I did a new install of the broadcast appliance and everything seemed to
> work well until I ran the software updater and installed all updates.  I
> believe this updated the OS to Centos 6.7  Now the rivendell daemons
> will not start.  Is there an easy fix for this, or do I need to start
> over and only update Rivendell?
> Thanks
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