
Lets assume: On Air Machine IP = and the Server IP is (replace with whatever IP addresses you have)

On the on air machine:

$ mysql -h -u rduser -pletmein Rivendell

That should let you log into mysql on the Rivendell database. If it doesn't then the only explanation is that you either changed the default letmein password or your on air machine is using a local database and not the server.

$ mysql -u rduser -pletmein Rivendell

If that connects it is definitely using a local database (otherwise your on air machine wouldn't be playing out).

Just in case, rduser is the user name Rivendell uses for the database, this is nothing to do with your Linux user (which in your case might be onair judging by your error message?).



On 2016-03-05 21:22, Seth Stevenson wrote:

I am trying to do this as well using your instructions. I am using a
server + onair machine. The server houses the database. In following
your instructions when I try to get the onair machine to try to access
the server database it says, onair is not allowed to access this
database. How do I give it permission?
On Mar 4, 2016 11:34 AM, "Wayne Merricks"
<waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com [4]> wrote:

It is a lot simpler than you think, if you already know about NFS
and MySQL you can probably do this in 30 seconds or less.  If you
dont give yourself 5minutes to double check everything. 

All you need to do is share the database and the /var/snd directory
between the two machines.  Then add your new machine to rdadmin.

First  the easier bit of the two.

On the production machine

Check that you can talk to the on air mysql database:

$ mysql -h ip_or_hostname_of_on_air_machine -u rduser -pletmein

If it lets you connect great.  If not check that mysql is set to
listen to the network:

On the on air machine (only if you cant connect)

$ sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Find the line bind-address = and change it to

Then restart the mysql service (this may disrupt Rivendell if it
does any DB work while you do this, in theory if youre in the middle
of a song playing you should be fine).

On the production machine (skip to here if you can connect)

Assuming you can now access mysql from here, change rd.conf to look
at the remote MySQL:

$ nano /etc/rd.conf

Find this bit:


And change it to the address of your on air machine.

On the on air machine

With that out of the way, you need to share the /var/snd
directory.  The easiest thing to use is NFS (similar to windows
network shares but it works more reliably). 

You might have to install nfs (sudo apt-get install
nfs-kernel-server), assuming that is already there:

$ sudo nano /etc/exports

Add the line (amend this for your network mine is 10.43.X.X, so I
do this):


Then "export" the share:

$ sudo exportfs -r -v

And it should say exported /var/snd.

On the production machine

Now all you need to do is mount the remote /var/snd to the local
/var/snd.  Make sure youve installed the NFS client (sudo apt-get
install nfs-common).  Then test mount it:

$ sudo mount -t nfs ip_or_name_of_on_air_machine:/var/snd /var/snd

if that works youll see all your on air audio inside /var/snd.

To permanently mount /var/snd (so that it sticks between reboots):

$ sudo nano /etc/fstab

Add the line:

ip_or_name_of_on_air_machine:/var/snd /var/snd nfs

Finally, load up rdadmin on either machine and add a new host. 
Make sure it is the same name as your production machine and set it
up how you want it to work.  You may get a message about missing
audio assignments.  Thats OK, as soon as the Rivendell daemons are
restarted it will add itself to the database.

That is all you have to do to share amongst machines.

On 03/03/16 01:48, Hugh Stolmer wrote:

I would like to link a production machine to an on-air machine so
I have
only one database that resides on the on-air machine. Then I do
not have
to disturb the on-air machine to do production and log management.
Can anyone point me to some clear instructions on how to do this?
Both machines have been built with a Rivendell Appliance DVD
(3.7.0) on
Centos7 and are running Rivendell 2.10.3.
Thanks for any help,
Hugh S

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