
Check your Apache log files and your Rivendell log files - they should
give you some indication of why it failed.

Usually that's related to your Apache timeout in the apache
configuration file.

Many distributions set the timeout to 300 (5 minutes), which is not
enough to import a long audio file.

Make sure it is at least 1200 (20 minutes), on one machine that is a
little bit CPU constrained and always took a long time to import lengthy
files I set it to 3000 (50 minutes).

Be sure to restart apache after making the change.

The other thing I've run into - if importing compressed audio such as
mp3, make sure the file isn't corrupted (see the emails on mp3 in
another thread).  If that fails then sometimes it helps to decompress
the file to uncompressed / wav, then import that file.

Lorne Tyndale

> Hello,
> I have a number of large audio files, up to an hour long that I am trying
> to automatically import but each time RDimport runs from either a dropbox
> or the command line it will only import about 5 minutes or so of the audio
> file.
> However if i manually import from withing RDlibrary, the audio imports just
> fine.
> I read somewhere about a timeout issue withing Apache, I changed the
> timeout of scripts to a large number so this would not happen, this fixed
> the issue for manually importing but not automatic import.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Lee<hr>_______________________________________________
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