running rddbcheck returns this:

 Cut 1 [Agua salada] in cart 010281 [Agua salada] has invalid length.
Correct? (y/N)

what happens if I enter y? N?

2016-04-26 18:18 GMT-07:00 Robert Jeffares <>:

> notes on the use of rddbcheck
> This is a really handy routine for sorting through your database and
> identifying errors
> best to run it first with no options and see what it picks up
> options
> --user=
>             may be the user for db if user is not root. No it defaults to
> "user" which is the Rivendell user.
> --yes
>             answer yes to every question USE WITH CARE
> --no
>             answer no to every question obviously mutually exclusive with
> --yes
> --orphan-group=
>             group to put orphaned carts in GROUPS no longer in DB
> --dump-cuts-dir=
>             place to put audio cuts that are in /var/snd but don't have
> any entries in the database.
> Over time entries get corrupted and this check picks up errors and helps
> you make decisions. My DB is more then 10 years old.
> I was amazed at the number of errors that had accumulated over that time.
> In my case possibly because I have a number of client processes polling the
> database to update remote sites and the odd scrap over who goes first may
> have helped create the orphans it found.
> regards
> Robert Jeffares
> Big Valley Radio
> The Wireless Station
> Raupo Radio
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