And this can't be done using Rdimport correct? Just checking in case this 
feature has been added with out me knowing.... 

Kind regards


On 2 May 2016 11:31:42 pm AWST, Fred Gleason <> wrote:
>On May 2, 2016, at 8:02 AM, Rob Landry <> wrote:
>> As someone who spent more than two decades at WCRB in Boston, let me
>say that you really want all four movements of a symphony together as
>one cut on one cart.
>That’s policy, not mechanism! [ducking…]
>> Trust me; you really don't want to have to assemble four movements of
>Beethoven's fifth symphony every ime you want to schedule it.
>All joking aside, assuming that you actually *want* all of the
>movements to be played in sequence (a Programming decision, not a
>technical one), then by far the easiest way to achieve it is to put all
>of the movements into a single cut.  If you’re ingesting the material
>from CD, Rivendell’s ripper makes this easy; simply select the entire
>range of desired tracks on the CD and then touch ‘Add Single Cart’.
>| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer            
>|                           |              Paravel Systems            
>|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.        
>|                                         -- Cicero                   
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