/user/local/bin/caed etc do not seem to start rivendell. Only sudo
/etc/init.d/rivendell start. I don't think you can have sudo run in a
script though, can you? Don't know what else to try.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Wayne Merricks <
waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com> wrote:

> In theory you could replace the exec line with a script:
> Exec=/home/pi/startRivendell.sh
> #!/bin/bash
> /usr/local/bin/caed &
> /usr/local/bin/ripcd &
> /usr/local/bin/rdcatchd &
> sleep 5
> /usr/local/bin/rdairplay
> remember to chmod it (chmod ug+x /home/pi/startRivendell.sh)
> You could also make the script wait until caed etc starts:
> #!/bin/bash
> #Wait for CAED
> WAIT=1
> while [ $WAIT == 1 ]; do
>   pidof caed >/dev/null
>   if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
>     WAIT = 0
>   fi
>   #Wait 1 second before trying again
>   sleep 1
> done
> #Load airplay
> /usr/local/bin/rdairplay
> On 29/06/16 16:05, Seth Stevenson wrote:
> I did try the autostart route. It complained about missing daemons. I this
> is because also in rc.local I have the daemons starting  as
> /etc/init.d/rivendell start. From looking at system log it seems that the
> programs in autostart happens before rc.local runs so rdairplay in
> autostart doesn't seem the daemons. I guess the question then is how to
> maybe start the daemons before autostart runs. I look around but didn't see
> any way autostarting via gui. Thanks for your help!
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Wayne Merricks <
> waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com> wrote:
>> don't bother with rc.local it doesn't always work and its hard to figure
>> out why.
>> I have an older pi running wheezy as opposed to the newer jessie build.
>> Inside the users directory I have this:
>> /home/pi/.config/autostart
>> I'm not sure if any scripts work here but the standard Linux desktop
>> files work e.g. a file something like this:
>> [Desktop Entry]
>> Type=Application
>> Exec=/usr/local/bin/rdairplay
>> You can copy/paste an existing desktop file into here and it should
>> work.  Also have a look around your system settings for startup
>> applications, if you have that (I think the newer Pi OS' do) then just use
>> the GUI to do it.
>> On 29/06/16 15:32, Seth Stevenson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been pulling my hair out trying to autostart rdairplay on a pi. I
>> have created a script to do this called rdairplay located at
>> /home/bananapi. I then added the script to rc.local like this. sudo sh
>> /etc/init.d/rdairplay. I then go to terminal and run sudo
>> /etc/init.d/rc.local start and it runs fine and rdairplay comes up. However
>> when I reboot it does not run the rdairplay application. I have tried
>> everything I know. Why would it run manually, but not on reboot. Is there a
>> better or different way to do this?
>> --
>> Seth Stevenson
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> --
> Seth Stevenson
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