I don't think it's adviable to define a daypart that crosses midnight, precisely because of the potential confusion it might cause to users with regard to the date. I recently had a client specify that a program was to air "10 PM - 3AM Sunday through Thursday", which is ambiguous, since 3 AM Thursday will mark the end of a program that started at 10 PM Wednesday.

It seems to me the only way to avoid this ambiguity is to insist that no daypart definition be allowed to cross midnight. A daypart is, after all, a part of a day; since days begin and end at midnight, 10 PM - 3 AM must be *two* dayparts since it covers parts of two different days.

That's my -17db$.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

On Sun, 16 Oct 2016, Lorne Tyndale wrote:

For me the big question with having the over-12am daypart to work
without creating 2 cuts is the question of what happens if you are
dayparting a cut to specific days of the week, and how that would change
the current operation of the software.

Let's say that I have Cut A, and I want it to only be able to play on
the Monday night - Tuesday morning  from 11 pm to 5 am daypart, and then
Thursday night / Friday morning 11 pm to 5 am daypart.  The rest of the
week I do not want it to play at all.

With the current setup, I create 4 identical cuts, one is dayparted to
Monday 11 pm to 11:59.59 pm, another Tuesday 12:00 am to 5:00 am, the
third Thursday 11:00 pm to 11:59.59 pm, and the 4th to be Friday 12:00
am to 5:00 am.  This makes perfect sense to me, accurately defines when
I want and don't want the cut to play.

However If the overnight at midnight is assumed to be recognized, then I
would need to create 2 cuts from  11 pm to 5 am daypart, and the Mondays
and Thursdays.

If the logic is changed what  happens then if it happens ends up getting
scheduled on Monday morning at 3 am?  Under the current setup it would
see Monday and 3 am, that would be okay, and it would not play since
Monday is 11 pm to 11:59.

Under the idea of spanning over midnight it might see "Monday" selected
and "11 pm to 5 am", and still allow that cut to play at Monday at 3 am
(where the meaning behind this daypart really is supposed to span the
midnight of Monday to Tuesday)

I don't mean to be critical of the idea, but I could see changing the
logic at this point has the potential to break some of the dayparting
and rules that people might already be running with.

Lorne Tyndale

On Sat, 2016-10-15 at 10:23 -0400, Chuck wrote:

  Nevertheless, I still agree with Cowboy that 22:00 to 06:00 should
be a workable single dayparting entry since we are faced with the
FCC's separation of the day into the 2 divisions.  It will be a lot of
work to copy cuts and daypart each separately, instead of just setting
one time period for non-safe-harbor hours (which crosses Midnight)
with a single entry for a single cut cart.

well, if we are voting, I vote NO, as 12 to 6 am crosses days, vs using
the simple 24 hour day clock...  The computer can probably do it just
fine, but if an operator inadvertently scheduled a day-part of 10 to
6....you might have some explaining to do...

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