Dear All:
   Another update on where the RDacity code is right now.

I have been able to configure it and build it on my CentOs7 box. 

The issues that were fixed are:

  1)  Handles Carts and Cuts.  The Dialog will allow you to create new Carts 
and Cuts, and will
      warn you if you are overwriting something.  Not entering or clearing the 
Cart/Cut number 
      fields will generate them for you based on Group.  

  2)  Configure should be successful and build in most Linux environments - and 
      let you know any missing dependencies. Key word here is "should"... 

  3)  Currently uses direct DB calls to create/update the content metadata. We 
are eventually
      going to have that done via the Web API directly, eliminating the DB 
calls for systems
      that are running Rivendell 2.0+.  Systems running 1.x will always need 
these DB calls.

  4)  The Configuration file (rd.ini) will hold the Default Content Parameters. 
This includes
      format, channels, and SampleRate.  Will include an example rd.ini file in 
      win/Release/PortablesSetting/ github directory.  On Linux machines this 
file will be placed
      in the /etc/rdacity/ directory.

One outstanding issue is that the Busy window in the Linux version is not 
working for some
reason.  This means when exporting or importing data - you do not see a "Busy - 
Working..." window.  Works fine
in Windows, but doesn't want to display in Linux.  Will continue to 
trouble-shoot this since not knowing
it is still working (on your Import/Export) is problematic.


Todd Baker

----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Baker" <>
To: "john stanley" <>
Cc: "User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 9:03:01 AM
Subject: Re: [RDD] RDacity

Just to give everyone an update,

   I have been working on getting the RDacity code to compile in
CentOs 7, and the configure / autotools part is working now (and compiles
and runs).  I am going to post the changes soon, but after getting it
working I realized that there are some major changes that need to be made.

Primary change is that our Audacity version doesn't handle CUT Numbers at all, 
because our database isn't designed with CUT Numbers (they are always 001).
Clearly - this will need to be added into the code base - so I am going to
need to change the dialog to take that into account - since I am sure
most of the sites running Rivendell will need CUT Number functionality.

There are also a number of other changes to the rd.ini file which I will add to 
github site with explanation later as well.

Will hopefully have this in place in the next day or so and will post it
when it is done.

Thanks for you patience and help.

Best Regards,

Todd Baker

----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Baker" <>
To: "john stanley" <>
Cc: "User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System" 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 2:38:20 PM
Subject: Re: [RDD] RDacity

Hi John,
   Thanks for the email... 

I like everyone's idea to just make it /etc/rdacity/rd.ini.  
Gets rid of the confusion - sort of a standard - even though Rivendell does not 
follow it really..... Will go with that approach, which means that 
will need to be created.

I am sorry if I confused things concerning the Rivendell C Api library.
When the Rivendell C Api is compiled and installed it creates a library which 
is called

The spec file is called rivwebcapi - but inside this file the
description says Rivendell-c-api.

The pc file is named rivendell.pc and the Name in that file is Rivendell.

Maybe this needs to be changed - I actually didn't write the spec file parts 
but Fred Gleason did.
I think it could easily be changed. The configure script (pkg-config) is 
searching for a package name rivendell...

I am open to any ideas about this - dont want it to be confusing.

Todd Baker
----- Original Message -----
From: "john stanley" <>
To: "Todd Baker" <>
Cc: "User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System" 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 2:05:00 PM
Subject: Re: [RDD] RDacity

On Thu, 2016-09-29 at 12:25 -0400, Todd Baker wrote:

Thanks for the update
> I hope it wont take too long to get this straightened out.  It will require 
> setting
> some assumptions about the existence of rd.ini and where "should" live.  
> Currently
> rd.conf exists in the /etc directory in Linux Rivendell systems.  I "may" 
> default
> Linux versions of RDacity to that directory, and look for rd.ini there but it 
> also could create
> some confusion since both rd.conf and rd.ini would be in the same /etc 
> directory.


rivwebcapi - will this be the name of the api or rivendell-c-api? There
seems to be references to both. In an rpmbuild we have to have one or
the the name in the spec file or go by the program name in configure,
"rivwebcapi?"? The other reference comes from the package name.
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