Thanks Wayne. I appreciate everyone who has taken time to help me. Yes, it
doesn't import either.  Unfortunately those commands a2ensite and a2enmod
don't exist in RH distros like Centos. It looks like I would have to create
some sort of sym-links to do the same thing.

What I don't understand is that if the rd-bin.conf files are the same in
the working and non-working machines and both have the same centos and
rivendell versions installed, why would I need to change how apache
operates? the only difference between the two is the type of BIOS requiring
that I install Centos from a DVD iso and Rivendell from Paravel's download
and process instead of installing it all from the appliance disk.

The only other similar case I found so far was from 2011 when someone was
compiling Rivendell from source and forgot to set --libexecdir=/var/snd/.
Would there be something I need to correct on this? If so, how?

Tom Van Gorkom
Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
Office: 956-380-8150
Cell: 865-803-7427

Rio Grande Bible Institute
4300 S US Hwy 281
Edinburg, TX 78539

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Wayne Merricks <> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is probably going to be an Apache'ism.  First can you just use any
> old web browser to view the Rivendell cgi pages:
> http://localhost/rd-bin/addcart.html
> Next I'm afraid I have to get into "CentOS" guessing games as I'm only
> familiar with Debian based setups.  Ubuntu changed a bunch of stuff
> recently which did things like always give you 403 forbidden errors and
> didn't enable cgi so it would never work.
> First off if you have 403s you need to edit the rd-bin.conf file (I think
> this change came in with Apache 2.4+):
> On line 23 you will see:
> <Directory "/usr/local/libexec">
> Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
> AllowOverride None
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> Delete these two lines:
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> ...and replace with the new way of doing things:
> Require all granted
> With that done copy re-enable the rd-bin site via apache:
> sudo a2ensite rd-bin
> sudo service apache2 reload
> We also need to enable the CGI module otherwise your audio won't import
> (which might be the problem you're describing):
> sudo a2enmod cgi
> sudo service apache2 restart
> Hope this helps, in theory the steps should be the same under CentOS.
> Regards,
> Wayne
> On 2017-02-22 21:30, Tom Van Gorkom wrote:
>> Yes, it spits back PIDs for apache running.
>> Installed Lynx and ran as you suggested. Results:
>> The requested URL /rdxport.cgi was not found on this server.
>> Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at reaiplay1s [or localhost]  Port 80
>> On my good machine I get the same message back.
>> In the httpd error log, the only thing that I see that is different
>> than a good machine is:
>> SELinux policy enabled; httpd running as context
>> system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>> suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>> in access log: All looked the same as a good machine except where I
>> ran lynx:  "GET /rdxport.cgi HTTP/1.0"
>> So if it is not found, what do I change?
>> rdxport.cgi appears correctly located in /var/www/rd-bin with root
>> permission. I dont know where to find execcgi. Searches on both good
>> and the machine in question results in 0 found.
>> Tom Van Gorkom
>> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
>> Office: 956-380-8150
>> Cell: 865-803-7427
>> Rio Grande Bible Institute
>> 4300 S US Hwy 281
>> Edinburg, TX 78539
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Kit Raymond Haskins <
>> [4]> wrote:
>> Tom,
>>> Ive noticed the grey out time remaining to be a side-effect with
>>> httpd not having permissions set up, or apache is running as a
>>> different user.
>>> Check and see if the apache service is indeed working.  Something
>>> like
>>> ps -eaf |grep httpd  <- should spit back some PIDs for a running
>>> daemon.
>>> Looking in the /etc/httpd/logs directory with error_log and
>>> access_log have shown me some error messages while the CGI file is
>>> called.  Mine where ExecCGI messages in which ExecCGI wasnt set-up
>>> with the options for the folder that rdXport.cgi lives in ...   Is
>>> rdXport.cgi doing anything when you go to the link with a browser
>>> directly ???
>>> lynx http://localhost/rdxport.cgi [1]  <-  should burp back
>>> "invalid web method" if youre using a web browser.  Or does this
>>> return an error message like "not found" or some permission error
>>> message, of which I cant provide an exact quote to the phrase it
>>> returns.
>>> (Lynx is a CLI based web browser, in case you are not familar with
>>> the command, Im a CLI kinda of guy and do enjoy my  VI, Im even
>>> using Pine to compose this message)
>>> --Kit Haskins
>>> Kit, you were right - the time is greyed out at the bottom of the
>>>> library.
>>>> So where should I look now?
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