Your problem may be that rdimport is eating a file before all of it has arrived, yielding a truncated Rivendell file.

The other way to get a truncated file is for the Apache server to time out during the import. In that case you have to increase the Apache timeout value.

To get around the first case, I no longer define dropboxes in Rivendell at all; instead, I run a Perl script as a cron job that looks for files in subfolders of /home/scott/dropbox, where each subfolder is given the name of a Rivendell GROUP. I have an additional subfolder called "bad"; this is where the script leaves any file (typically Adobe Audition .pk files) it can't import.

The script checks the last modified time of each file to be imported to see if it is more than 30 seconds ago; if not, the file is assumed to be incomplete and is ignored. Files last modified more than 30 seconds ago are assumed to be complete and fed to rdimport with the --delete-source option and the name of the subfolder as the GROUP. A log is kept in /home/scott/logs/import.log so I can keep track of all importing attempts.

I've used this techinque at several stations so far; it works well.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

On Sat, 8 Apr 2017, Joe Thompson wrote:

I've got a question that I haven't found a solution for yet. Is there a way
to tell the dropbox that if X file is less than x size to not import it? 

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