
I think you're making this more difficult then it needs to be.

What I'd do:

-Have the audio coming from your remote on a separate channel on your
console in your on-air studio

-Have that channel set up so that Rivendell can turn that remote channel
on / off via GPIO's

-For your remote site gear, since you're going to have a computer
already (to be able to see the on-air machine RDAirplay via VNC) use a
Linux box, install a "remote" copy of Rivendell on it that includes your
music bed audio

-At your remote site connect your mic and your "remote computer" audio
into a small mixer (or if you use something like a Tieline
Commander/iMix or Comrex Access with the mixer add on, just use the
inputs on that).  If needed you can usually find inexpensive Bheringer
or Mackie's that have 4 to 8 channels that'll work for this type of

When you want to go live from the remote site, you can have the remote
computer send the RML back to your studio computer to trigger your GPO
to turn on your "remote" channel.  It can stop your playout from the
on-air studio Rivendell system or you could even have it set up that
when you want to go live from remote it'll insert an item with a "stop"
as the next item in the log (that is if you don't want to schedule the
breaks in the log before the remote, which might be easier).  Do the
mixing of the voice / bed at the remote site with the mixer you have
there (you can have that audio on the remote site's Rivendell box) and
send all that audio back to your studio.  When you want the studio to
resume playout send another RML down the pipe to turn the "remote"
channel back off and do a Play Next in Rivendell.  Your audio starts
back up coming from your on-air Rivendell machine.

The biggest concern would be if your network drops for some reason - you
could end up with dead air.  But the same situation could happen with
the setup you've described below.  As a backup it might be an idea to
tie it all into a silence detector which would - after a certain amount
of time - send your on-air machine a "play next" command in the event
that something like that happens.

Lorne Tyndale

> Hi,
> I am looking for thoughts on possible ways to do this.
> Let's say we go on a remote and have no one in the air studio.
> We can remote into (say vnc over an ssh tunnel) the rdairplay machine to
> control things.
> We can monitor the broadcast signal from an FM receiver at the remote
> location.
> We can set a music bed on an RDAirPlay sound panel button.
> We can set a music bed on an RDPanel sound panel button.
> We can set a music bed in an RDCartSlot cart slot.
> We can set up a macro to go to a remote break and put it on  an RDAirPlay
> sound panel button.
> We can set up a macro to come back from a remote break and put it on  an
> RDAirPlay sound panel button.
> Consider:
> a macro with this command:
> RN /home/rduser/goremote.sh!
> will fire the following bashscript
> #!/bin/bash
> # goremote.sh
> # rml commands to go to start a remote
> rmlsend PS\ 1\!
> rmlsend PP\ S1\ 1\ 1\!
> and:
> a macro with this command:
> RN /home/rduser/endremote.sh!
> will fire the following bashscript
> #!/bin/bash
> # endremote.sh
> # rml commands to go to end a remote
> rmlsend PT\ S1\ 1\ 1\!
> rmlsend PN\ 1\!
> When you are ready to go to a break, you switch to LiveAssist mode and
> click on the goremote button on the sound panel in rdairplay when the
> current cart is almost over. the cart will end and the music bed will start.
> When you are ready to end the remote segment, you switch to Automatic mode
> and click on the endremote button on the sound panel in rdairplay.
> Crude and nasty but it can kind of work.
> ***IMPORTANT*** This currently ignores the very important issue of how we
> get the remote audio into rdairplay to play over the top of the music bed
> in the first place but that is for a later discussion.
> To make this better:
> 1. How can we FADE DOWN the LOG machine and FADE UP the BED when going into
> the remote break?
> 2. How can we loop the bed so that we can use a shorter audio file in the
> BED cart? (If we cannot do this, we will need a bed that is longer than any
> break we will ever have.
> 3. How can we FADE DOWN the BED and FADE UP the LOG machine when coming out
> of the remote break?
> What questions should I be asking that I am not?
> What are better ways to do this?
> Would it be better to put the macro carts for going into and out of the
> breaks into the log in the correct spot rather than firing manually from
> the sound panel?
> Etc.
> all the best,
> drew
> -- 
> Enjoy great *Bahamian Music* at:
> Bahamain Or Nuttin - http://www.bahamianornuttin.com
> <http://www.bahamianornuttin.com/><hr>_______________________________________________
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