Hi Michael,

The /tmp directory is used on a Rivendell workstation during the import
process into RDLibrary (among other things). Since each import process
creates *two* copies of the uncompressed audio file being imported, this
directory must have enough space to for these files. When you import
audio files for shows that are an hour in duration (or longer) the temp
space can be consumed quickly. If you use Rivendell dropboxes you can
conceivably have multiple import processes running simultaneously. I
think 14GB for /tmp is appropriate.

Not sure what the existing folders in your /tmp are for: Rivendell is
pretty good about cleaning up after itself. The temporary Rivendell
folders have names like "rivendellXXXXX", where "XXXXX" are "random"
characters generated when the directory is created.

Hope this helps!

  ~David Klann

  Broadcast Tool & Die

On 08/24/2017 04:47 PM, WRFI Programs wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trying to investigate our Rivendell host computer and disk space issues.
> Its /tmp directory size is around 14GB. Seems large to me but I'm new
> to Rivendell.
> Can anyone tell me what might be a normal /tmp directory size for a
> running Rivendell system? In this particular /tmp directory, almost
> all of the 14GB is taken up by files in a systemd http sub directory.
> Within that folder, a few dozen folders ranging in size from ~55MB to
> ~275MB. The name of the containing folder suggests to me something
> possibly related to web streaming...
> Thanks in advance for any help or insights.

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