
If you are running on a Debian based distribution - I've run into this
very issue on my LUbuntu machines - then the only way I've been able to
make Rivendell --> Jack --> Other Jack stuff work is to do a

sudo chmod -s caed rdcatchd ripcd

In which ever folder those 3 files are located.  On my Lubuntu machines
(compiled from source) they end up in:


But they might be in 


The "s" flag is what causes the daemons to run as root, once removed
they'll run as the logged in user.

You'll need to modify your init script to ensure that Jack is running
before caed, otherwise caed will grab the sound card.  You'll also need
to ensure your init script sets up the /var/run/rivendell folder since
that'll vanish on a reboot.  At one point there was an init script
written for Debian-based builds which would do just this.

I know that Fred has previously pointed out that this isn't the correct
way to run caed - that it should be running as root and not as the
logged in user for security reasons. But when you're running caed as
root on a debian based system it is almost impossible to get it to talk
to jack and have it useful - since other applications (audacity, ardour,
etc) need to run as the logged in user and also need to see Jack.  I'm
not sure what the "correct" answer is.

Lorne Tyndale

> Temporary indeed
> There has to be a better solution to this.
> Again I have never had this problem with Jack before.
> Got to be something in the way init is starting Rivendell.
> More hair pulling
> Cheers
> Tim
> On 21 Jan 2018 10:33, "David Klann" <dkl...@linux.com> wrote:
> > Hey Tim,
> >
> > That is a temporary "fix": /var/run (which is a symbolic link to /run)
> > is a so-called "ephemeral" directory; that is, it is created on system
> > boot by one of the system daemons (varies depending on your startup
> > system (SysV Init or systemd).
> >
> > You'll have to add a line to one of your startup scripts if you want to
> > continue using this technique and have it survive a reboot. For CentOS 6
> > variants, you might add your chown call to /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Things
> > are a bit more complex for CentOS 7 -- I do not quite have a good
> > solution for that...
> >
> > Hope this helps!
> >
> >   ~David Klann
> >
> > On 01/21/2018 10:25 AM, Tim Camp wrote:
> > > Chown /var/run/rivendell now works.
> > >
> > > Never had to ever do anything like that before.
> > >
> > > Thanks all
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > >
> > > Tim
> > >
> > >
> > > On Jan 21, 2018 9:44 AM, "Tim Camp" <t...@dotcom1.net
> > > <mailto:t...@dotcom1.net>> wrote:
> > >
> > >     Well have tried all suggestions and still can only register
> > >     rivendell as a jack client if jackd is started as root. Can start
> > >     rivendell as user, start jack as user, no client. Start rivendell as
> > >     user, start jack as Root, we have client.
> > >     The of course all other programs can't use jack unless they are
> > >     started as root.
> > >
> > >     This is a production room machine, so I have to have Ardour and
> > >     Audacity working with jack as well as rivendell.
> > >
> > >     User is part of real-time so I don't have to have root to run jack.
> > >
> > >     Gonna look at /var/run/rivendell, that has to be where the problem
> > is.
> > >
> > >     This is Debian btw, not Ubuntu
> > >
> > >     Thanks for all the help
> > >
> > >     Tim Camp
> > >     WZEW-FM WNSP-FM
> > >     Mobile, Al.
> > >
> > >
> > >     On Jan 20, 2018 2:31 PM, "Tim Camp" <t...@dotcom1.net
> > >     <mailto:t...@dotcom1.net>> wrote:
> > >
> > >         Greetings,
> > >
> > >         I have one machine where rivendell refuses to show up as a
> > >         client for jack.
> > >         here are the facts
> > >
> > >         rivendell audio works fine using alsa connection directly to card
> > >         jack will start from command line or qjackctl and all other
> > >         audio programs will use it.
> > >         same command put in rdadmin/jack configuration will not start
> > jack.
> > >         jack is started rt @ 44100 - rivendell sample rate of card is
> > 44100
> > >         If I start jack server manually before rivendell daemons when
> > >         rivendell daemons are started rivendell does not see jack.
> > >         etc/security/limits.d has been configured for realtime
> > >
> > >         in short jack doesn't seem to be my problem, it starts and runs
> > >         fine and all other audio client programs will use it, but
> > >         rivendell continues to not see it.
> > >
> > >         I have done this many many times over the years, first time I
> > >         have ever had a problem with rivendell not seeing jack server.
> > >
> > >         any thoughts I night have overlooked?
> > >
> > >         Cheers
> > >
> > >         Tim Camp
> > >         WZEW-FM WNSP-FM
> > >         Mobile, Al
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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