
It is difficult to know with your description what your "original"
configuration was.  But based on your description I would agree that it
likely has something to do with an HDMI audio out.

If you do  a:

cat /proc/asound/modules

It'll list the audio cards on your system.

If you also do:

cat /etc/asound.conf

On a basic system with a single sound card you've probably got pcm.rd0
and ctl.rd0 defined to use a particular card number.

You'll want the card number in /etc/asound.conf to correspond to the
audio card that you want to use.  

So for example, on my system:
# cat /proc/asound/modules
 0 snd_hda_intel
 1 snd_dummy

Card 0 is my on-board card, 1 is the snd-dummy driver.  To have audio
come out my onboard, my /etc/asound.conf looks like this:

# cat /etc/asound.conf

pcm.rd0 {
  type hw
  card 0
  device 0
rate 48000
ctl.rd0 {
  type hw
  card 0

To edit /etc/asound.conf you'll need to be root (use sudo on ubuntu to
be able to edit it).

Also note - my onboard audio is an intel-based card which requires me to
specify the sample rate that I'm using in asound.conf - if I don't
specify this then the card is not recognized by Rivendell.

Set all of that, restart your daemons, and see if it works.

Hope this helps.

> Hello all.. 
> I did an upgrade on my Riv box in my home studio and my sound is gone. I’m 
> thinking because this new card has HDMI that Ubuntu replaced my sound cards 
> with the HDMI. 
> I ran rdalsaconfig and it showed that all the card that is in there (CA106) 
> is not selected. So I selected it, restarted and it seem to disappear. 
> I checked /proc/asound/ and I see there is a symlink for card0 that is linked 
> to NVidia. 
> Not sure what I should be doing to get it back to my original config. 
> I’m running Riv 2.10.3 and Ubuntu 12.04
> Any ideas? 
> Sent from my iPhone
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