Hi Sheerrod,

I use a Scheduler Code for each daypart, with music in 4 main GROUPS which play in sequence in most clocks.

Songs from each GROUP are selected in an EVENT which uses the Daypart Scheduler Code.

The EVENT has 2 scheduler code options which provides finer grain selection than I need

I have 7 daypart clocks each with 4 daypart specific events [which repeat] plus ID's etc

Each clock has rules which also fine tune selections.

This works as well as or better then some very expensive software and replicates a manual system we used in the 70's.

In your case music needs to have either 'daytime' or 'nighttime' or both scheduler codes.

You can pick the music in a Daytime Event and a Night time Event [2 clocks required]

Or you can make a daytime clock and a night time clock and set the Scheduler Rules so faster tempo songs don't play overnight.

That requires tempo [fast medium-fast medium medium-slow slow] Scheduler Codes to be set.

As I see it you can get what you want with the existing options, how much work is involved depends on how much data is currentlyassociated with each music cut.


On 07/03/18 09:59, Sherrod Munday wrote:
A client of mine wants to *exclude* certain music scheduler codes from airing 
during a certain daypart.

Instead of setting the Daypart on every selected Cut for their entire library, has there been any thought to 
creating/setting a logical "NOT" flag for the "Must Have Code" logic that currently allows a 
logical "AND" -- but not a "NOT"?

The goal is to assign a chunk of their music library a scheduler code that 
would prevent it from airing overnights (i.e., they want slower-tempo songs 
only during nighttime).  I don't see a way of doing this in the Scheduler 
option in the current rev of RD.

If adding the "NOT" option isn't practical, are there any other ways of 
accomplishing this without burning up the one single Daypart field for the Cut?

(They're coming from an automation system that allows hour-by-hour selection of valid air 
times, with the practical effect that they can achieve multiple valid 
"dayparts" for each given day.)

Sherrod Munday

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