Greetings JWJ,

Since you're starting your education with a new install, might I suggest
using the instructions here:
to install a new Rivendell system? This will get you a current (2.19.0)
version of Rivendell on a current version of CentOS.

Regardless of the Rivendell version, your experimenting *should* work.

One thing that stands out in your description is the apparent <Space>
character in your Log Template (rdadmin->Manage Services->Jones). Try
converting the space between "Jones" and "%m%d" to an underscore. It's a
nit-pick, but it'll matter down the line.

I also noticed the "Jones" user in rdadmin. There's no real need to add
a Rivendell user with the default setup. I consider Rivendell users a
more-or-less "advanced" topic, and recommend getting an installation
working before adding and using new users. The current installation
method will set up your Linux user ("rd") and your "Rivendell database
user" ("user").

Hope this helps get you to the next question!

  ~David Klann

On 03/16/2018 01:41 AM, Jesse Jones wrote:
> The Problem:
> The log generated by the RDLogManager for Service "Jones" does not have
> any music in it, although there is a long list of the rules broken when
> it finds zero exceptions (quickly).  The Log does, however, have the
> chain log segment.
> This is a new install from the DVD ISO downloaded off the Paravel Web
> Site - by a newby in linux/CentOS 6 (but I go back to DOS 1 and even
> Basic A, which makes me an old ahem) so I know I've missed a flag or a
> comma somewhere.
> Parameters:
>   In RDAdmin
>     Manage Users - there are three:  Admin, Jones, and default user
>     Manage Services - there are two:  the default Production, and Jones
>       Jones description: Learning System.   Program Code is blank.  Log
> template: Jones %m%d,  Enabled Hosts: Jones (this was changed just after
> the DVD was run via the terminal, and the computer is "named Jones".  It
> will eventually be in a network with other older Rivendale stand alone
> units.
>     Manage Groups uses the list that came with the DVD, Each of the
> Groups has Production and Jones as active services
>     Manage Hosts - only Jones is listed
>     Scheduler Codes: There are 7
>   In LogManager:
>     Events: there are 8 events, one for each of the Scheduler Codes and
> 1 TOH.  All have the services listed Jones and Production
>     Clocks:  Just 1 clock (JMX = just music) with the Services Listed of
> Jones and Production
>     Edit Grids : All are clock JMX in both Jones and Production
>   In RDAirPlay v2.5.5:
>     Host=Jones   User=Jones   Log=Jones-0317   Service=Jones
>   In RDLibary V2.5.5:
>     There are 91 carts imported using the ADD, all into the Music Group
> sequentially, schedule codes enterd, and the markers are all edited, and
> all are TFN.
>        I have noticed in the table that the owned by column is blank,
> even though the terminal chown Rivendell *.wav  was run on the /var/snd
> (as root).  Also, chmod 0660 8.wav
> I have consulted Fred's Operations Manual, the Salemn Radio Labs
> Application Note 003, and the article from Broadcast Engineering Stuff
> 12/31/09 by the Brett Blog (and of course, lots of time with Google,
> Bing, etc.  Obviously, I'm overlooking something, and would appreciate a
> shove in the right direction.  This is, after all, my learning system...
> so if I blow it up -
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