I have been getting a lot of reports like this when injesting audio both in dropbox mode and with rdimport on the CentOS 6 Appliance 2.19.1/275

despite the chatter everything works fine

Its just unnerving.

invalid SQL or failed DB connection[MySQL server has gone away QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query]: select FILE_DATETIME from DROPBOX_PATHS                          where (DROPBOX_ID=7)&&(FILE_PATH="/home/rd/dropbox/tuesdaybiblestudy.wav") Database connection failed: select FILE_DATETIME from DROPBOX_PATHS                          where (DROPBOX_ID=7)&&(FILE_PATH="/home/rd/dropbox/tuesdaybiblestudy.wav")
04-10-2018 - 18:34:35 :  Deleting cuts from cart 000804
invalid SQL or failed DB connection[Duplicate entry '804' for key 'PRIMARY' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query]: insert into CART set NUMBER=804,TYPE=1,GROUP_NAME="FEATURES",TITLE="\[cart\ 000804-1]" 04-10-2018 - 18:34:35 :  Importing file "tuesdaybiblestudy.wav" to cart 000804 ... done.
04-10-2018 - 18:34:51 :  Deleted file "tuesdaybiblestudy.wav"



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