On Jun 29, 2018, at 09:39, Hoggins! <fucks...@wheres5.com> wrote:

> So you're saying that changing database schema during Rivendell upgrades
> should also have changed the default charset/collation on the Rivendell
> DB, right ? If for whatever reason it's not the case and I need to
> change it manually in my.cnf, what values do I need to set ?

It’s not a schema change - rather, it’s a change in the way the code talks to 
the DB. Previously, we’d just use whatever the default engine type, charset and 
collation values were for the DB server. Starting with v2.18.0, we specify them 
explicitly, overriding the server-side defaults. You can control this with the 
following entries in rd.conf(5):


Generally, you do not want to go changing the ‘Charset=‘ or ‘Collation=‘ 
values. Depending on how your SQL backend is being managed, it can be useful to 
be able to change the ‘Engine=‘ parameters. One of the major goals in current 
work on the code is to enable proper I18N support, so eventually it will be 
possible to specify charsets such as ‘utf8’. 

If you are still seeing mojibake with v2.19.2, then I’m wondering if MariaDB is 
messing with some deeper things (like forcing the *connection* type to be some 
particular encoding).


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |

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