
My first thought was to make sure there's enough disk space left.  There 
probably is, but that's the first thing I thought of.

The command df -h will show disk usage in human-readable format.

Next, I'd try to touch a file in /var/snd as the rd user:

touch /var/snd/testfile

That will attempt to create the file as the rd user in /var/snd.


On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 06:42:43PM +0200, le père Léon wrote:
> Sounds like these words have already been read..
> Under Debian 8 (thanks to many tricks I finally succeeded in compiling and
> launching Rivendell !!)
> .. import does not work :
>  "unable to create destination file"
> It does not even work when /var/snd is 0777 mode.
> (I must say I did not configure Apache since I don't know the relation
> between the c++-qt3-mysql Rivendell application and Apache..)
> -- 
> Léon.
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