> I've tried. It does not work for me. I mean, not more. It seams that
> in 
> Debian 8 the /var/www/rd-bin can be a bin directory (and
> /var/www/html 
> can stay an fixed pages directory).

The rd-bin directory also has web pages that need to be in the apache
document root to read them.

> There is no apache error when I try to rdimport, even in debug
> LogLevel.
> I have no more error message since apache is configured, but the wav 
> file is still not created.
If you still have rd-bin.conf in /etc/apache2/rivendell then its out
side of the apache configeration hierarchy. So as far as apache is
concerned rd does not exist so there wont be rd error messages in the
You could move things but that may break rd elsewhere so I would
personly start again.
To save confusion later on remove the broken unused directories
/etc/apache2/rivendell and /var/www/rd-bin.
Goto rd source
Make clean
./configure --libexecdir=/var/www/html/rd-bin --
make install
make sure rd-bin.conf is in /etc/apache2/sites-available and it is also
symlinked to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled theres 2 lines in rd-bin.conf
that should point to /var/www/html/rd-bin.
Restart apache2 and rd and try again.


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