On Sep 24, 2018, at 20:56, Yitzhak B. Solórzano <betanc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Advantages is plenty of, like security (Because you can use top
> security on it),

SSL is not ‘top security’?

> easy implementation (anyone who understand basic of
> JSON could do an app 100% compatible), easy to understand (JSON
> speaks) and flexibility (can be use on web app, mobile apps, tablet
> apps)…

If you happen to be using a client platform where JSON is the native and 
preferred transfer format, sure. The same argument could be made for XML, LDAP, 
etc, etc. “JSON for the sake of JSON” is a non-starter however.

> I work for a software company who develops for more
> sophisticated software and that’s where my idea comes from, you’ll
> have speed, you can access from everywhere because it uses a very
> light HTTP data transfer.

Yes, a speed optimization, agreed. I’m not convinced that that alone would 
justify the development resources needed to make it happen though. Unless 
you’re volunteering?  :)


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|                     When in doubt, use brute force.                  |
|                                         -- Ken Thompson              |

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