I will give it a try.

Op za 17 nov. 2018 om 01:51 schreef Fred Gleason <>:

> The dead give-away is these messages:
> On Nov 16, 2018, at 17:36, Peter Claes <> wrote:
> caed: unable to allocate stream for card 0
> rdairplay: finished event: Line: xxx  Cart: xx Cut: xx Card: 0  Stream:
> *-1*  Port: 0
> Some background: each ASI card has a certain fixed number of output
> streams. Each cart playing (whether from a log, a SoundPanel button, from
> RDLibrary or whatever) consumes 1 stream. When you run out available
> streams, you get those messages shown above, and nothing plays. Not a Good
> Thing.
> Basically, two things can cause this problem:
> 1) A bug in Rivendell. (not likely in this case, assuming you are running
> a stable Rivendell version (2.19.x)).
> 2) Trying to do too much with too little sound card resources —e.g.
> running three logs, each with segue overlaps, with a single ASI card that
> has a max capability of four streams. (When two carts overlap in a segue,
> they *each* use a stream —i.e. *two* streams for as long as the segue lasts)
> Most ASI cards come from the factory set to use a maximum of four streams
> by default, so you’ll see that it can actually be rather easy to hit this
> limit. The good news is that this depressingly low limit can often be
> increased by running the hpiinfo(8) utility and setting the card to use a
> different mode (how many depends on the exact model of card in question).
> On Paravel CentOS setups, you can install hpiinfo(8) by doing (as root):
> yum install hpiinfo
> and then running it from the ‘System’ or ‘System Tools’ menu. (Heads up:
> you’ll need to reboot the system after changing the card mode). If you do
> change a card’s mode, be sure to take a look at the ‘Inputs’ and ‘Outputs’
> count for it in rdadmin(1) after the reboot: some modes can cause those
> numbers to change!
>  Cheers!
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
> |                           |              Paravel Systems             |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
> |                                         -- Cicero                    |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
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