
I’ve got an issue cropping up on a new install using the Paravel Rivendell 
installer script.  During testing the new install, when going into the library 
to edit the test tone, I get the following error “Rivendell Web Service - 
Unable to download peak data, error was: “RDXport service returned an error”.”

In the httpd error log I see "AH01215: (13)Permission denied: exec of 
‘/var/www/rd-bin/rdxport.cgi’ failed” and then “End of script output before 
headers: rdxport.cgi”

Now, where this gets interesting is that it fails like this using the latest 
CentOS 7.6 1810 OS install, but if installed using the CentOS 7.5 1804 version 
of the installer, it is fine with no error.  I don’t know if this is just my 
install or if there is some change that has been made between the versions of 

I have this installed on a VMWare virtual machine, and can export the image if 
anyone wants to take a look.


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