I've been developing a music scheduling program for Rivendell. The project
is very nearly ready for testing. However.


As it is now, I'm reading from and writing to the Rivendell database
directly (to get cart information, write log files, etc.). I'd rather do
things "the right way" which would be to use the Web API to do these things
instead of hacking directly into the database. Plus, it would let me
future-proof the program a bit. (I had to do some rewrites when the schema
changed with the 3.0 beta, for example.)


My problem is that I can't find documentation for the Web API itself, only
for the C++ library for it. I don't write in C++; I'm developing in Lazarus
aiming at a multi-platform solution. (For those unaware, Lazarus is a
freeware Delphi clone designed for multiplatform development.)


Is there any documentation for the Web API itself? Which CGI files to call,
how to format my POST data, etc.? Or can someone at least point me in the
right direction for how it works so I can try sussing it out myself?


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