Bringing this back up and I ran into a tiny snag that I had not considered:

My hope was to have pd, production and traffic vnc into the system for clock, library, and log maintenance without being intrusive to the on-air staff.

The snag is, my user account set up for the sole purpose of vncing into the system doesn't have permissions to write to the network shared folders since those are located in rd's home folder.

I can work around it-no big deal.  I know the preferred method of using vnc is connecting to the real physical display, but it would be nice if multiple users could remote the system with import/export capability without being intrusive to the on-air staff.

Just some food for thought.



On 11/17/2018 8:11 AM, Alan Smith wrote:
As always, thank you Fred!

Also, thank you for what you do and this wonderful product!


On 11/17/2018 7:01 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:
On Nov 17, 2018, at 07:42, Alan Smith < <>> wrote:

By the way, my question still hasn't been answered yet:  Since I have created a new linux user for the purpose of having a virtual desktop to log into, are there any user groups this user needs to be added to or any permissions issues I need to be aware of?  Again, in my limited testing the answer seems to be 'no", but I'd like to double check just in case.

No. No special resources are required if all that those users are doing will be running the scheduler tools.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           | Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |

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