
How are you trying to install CentOS?  Is it CentOS7?  I've found that a 
problem that I had with CentOS 7.6 went away by using CentOS 7.5 (it may have 
been 7.5 drop down to 7.4 - everything merges into the past).  Try with an 
older sub version of the installer.  It will still update to the latest once 
you have installed it.

I created my installer on USB by downloading the .iso file and then doing this  
  dd if=CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1708.iso of=/dev/sdX   where X is the USB 
drive.  This has worked for me so far.


---- On Fri, 29 Mar 2019 13:06:25 +0000 Gavin Stephens <ga...@stephens.net.nz> 
wrote ----

Well I had some older Lenovo Core2Duo machines (7360 CTO ThinkCenter's) arrive 
today to mark them for RD installation with new HDD's. 

Unfortunately Cent OS minimal ISO and full 64-bit wont install.

I keep getting something to do with failed to claim resource 0, then eventually 
goes to a emergency mode shell.

I thought it maybe BIOS so I've tried enabling/disabling AHCPI. Setting SATA to 
IDE and back. Tried setting enable/disable plug n play OS etc... all in 
different combinations but no luck. 

These machines don't have any other hardware than the default on-board sound, 
ethernet, usb etc... no PCI or PCIx cards.

Looks like these machines are no good for RD. Bummer.




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