Hi all,

We have a dropbox set up which allows us to add audio to a CART with a start and end date which all works off the file name


date has to be in the format YYYY-MM-DD

which forces us to use '_' as the seperator [ probably could have used a number of things but _ works]

We set the dropbox to pick off the subject and use that as the cut description. Voice goes in the outcue which helps avoid clashes.


We have a number of these for various purposes. Works v well at jock level.

This feature was included in V2 a few years ago now.

We don't use the start date but no reason not to


On 04/04/19 16:01, Mike Carroll wrote:
Appendix D.1 in the Ops Guide for 2.19.3 shows %k / %K for rdimport start / end time, and %q / %Q for the dates. Never used 'em tho, sorry.

(On an appliance system the guide is at /usr/share/rivendell/opsguide.pdf.  Dunno about other systems.)

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 6:16 PM Peter Claes <pcl...@cls-bvba.com <mailto:pcl...@cls-bvba.com>> wrote:

    Hi guys,

    I am still looking into how I can pass a Startdate and enddate (no
    offsets) to a cart via the dropboxes.

    Just to be sure i am not on a dead end here : is this even possible ?

    If it is possible, do you have an example or a script ?

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