Hi everybody!

I try to setup some output in pypad with rlm_filewrite.
If I remember correctly, the "%v" wildcard was implemented to return the
event length in seconds while "%h" wildcard still return milliseconds.
This is my: FormatString=%d(hh:mm:ss); %t - %a; %v; %h; \n
But when I try result I have this:
cat /tmp/20190701.txt.

17:51:47; Title 1 - Artist 1; %v; 10069;
17:51:49; Test Tone - Rivendell Radio Automation; %v; 10000;
17:51:51; Title 2 - Artist 2; %v; 10000;
Does anyone have this problem?
I need the seconds for Stirlitz aircheck audit file.

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