Here's what I did:

1) Copy /var/snd from the 2.19.2 system to /var/snd on your 3.0.1 system.

2) Export/dump the MySQL database on your 2.19.2 system and copy the SQL 
export/dump to your 3.0.1 system. If I recall correctly this is done in RDAdmin 
on 2.19.2.

3) On the 3.0.1 system run RDDbConfig (Rivendell->Configuration->RDDBConfig) 
and import your SQL file. After the file is imported it will tell you that the 
database needs to be upgraded. Upgrade it. It may take a while so be patient.

4) Got into RDAdmin on the 3.0.1 system and make sure you have a host 
configured that matches the name of your 3.0.1 system.

That's all there is to it.


> On Jul 29, 2019, at 1:25 PM, T.J. Misilo <> wrote:
> Is there a way to successfully transfer audio from 2.19.2 to 3.0.1?  I would 
> like to only copy audio between the systems.   I have tried running the 
> rivendell_filter on the new machine:
> rivendell_filter -h REMOTEIP -u rduser -p REMOTEPASSWORD -A /var/ProdDB -G 
> IDENTS -s 060101 -e 60500
> I get the following messages:
> Transferring cart 060107 [CART NAME]...QMYSQLResult::date column 36 out of 
> range.
> The system transfers the audio but not the cart entries to the database.
> I have also tried exporting the files from the older system with xml and 
> transferring via ftp to the new machine and importing to the newer system and 
> get the following error:
> Export command:
> rdexport --allow-clobber --carts=06001:060500 --xml ./
> Import Command
> rdimport --xml --use-cartchunk-cutid IDENTS *.wav
> File "060107_001.wav" has an invalid or out or range Cart Number, skipping...
> :The IDENTS group has a range of 60101 to 60500 and enforcing the cart range.
> Thanks for and advice,
> T.J.
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