On 8/20/19 9:25 AM, Cowboy wrote:
On Tue, 20 Aug 2019 09:07:11 -0700
Bill Putney <bi...@wwpc.com> wrote:

I am amazed at how slow the adoption of IPv6 has been.
  I'm not. Not at all !

There has been a
working set of specs and hardware for almost 2 decades.
  True !

I don't know of
anything built in the last decade that wasn't IPv6 capable.
  Really ?
  I'm not aware of much that *was* IPv6 capable the last 8 or ten years.
  Today, 2019, sure. 2009, not so sure.
IPv6 been part of the requirements for equipment acquisition since the turn of the century. Certainly any network hardware all the computer operating systems and most appliances. People leave it turned off a lot because they don't have access to networks that support v6, but it's there.

haven't been IPv4 addresses available for 3 or so years.
  That's flat not true !!
  There have been and remain so today.
Try to get a v5 CIDR block from ARIN. They were exhausted about 3 years ago. Even a /24 block. you can still get IP addresses from carriers, but starting a new  ISP and see how far you get finding IP space.

The only thing
I can imagine is that there is some market force at work that is slowing
it down.
  That's part of it, yes.
  google is pushing IPv6 hard, but we're getting to the point where google is 
  well known extra-legal universal mercenary spy organization.
  ( here's this portable camera/gps which we want you to take into the bath 
room with you
  so that you will have a better user experience. Yeah, right ! )
  Knowing how evil google has become ( even dropped their moto "don't be evil" 
) anyone
  *that* evil who favors IPv6 is almost reason enough to run like a raped ape !
Well, that's just silly. Go ahead and mistrust Google but it has nothing to do with IPv6. IPv6 has such a huge address space, we can discreetly address every grain of sand in the known universe. I suppose if we all stopped using NAT at gateways and every device had a unique address, folks lie Google and NSA could find a way to get up to some mischief. When I started working in the field, we all used unique addresses because no one could imagine we'd run out of the 4 octets of addresses. When I got my /24 in the 80's, the folks at SRI who had the contract to manage domains and addresses tried to talk me into a /16. I should have taken them up on it. Who knew I'd have a house full of computers?

Like all the big carriers that have all the v4 address space
have too much control of ICAN.
  More like the major backbone providers still have a great deal of IPv4 
  out there in regular service. They're not going to trash it "just because" !
All of the equipment in the backbone can do both and have been capable since the turn of the century. They don't have to "trash" anything, except that it all becomes too slow pretty frequently.

They've made some pretty stupid rules
around getting v6 address space. Not at all what you'd expect if you
wanted to fast track v6 adoption.
  Nobody wants to fast track it, except google of course, and a few politicians.
  Basically, the people pushing it are nefarious enough to be reason alone
  to walk away from it at any and every opportunity.

  Remember the whole Y2K scares ?
  This is much the same.
  Ho, hum.

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