Wherever possible, I run standalone Rivendell machines. The "server" is the "client".

I do this because with a standalone machine no network failure can make the radio station go silent.

With a client/server implementation, the audio is being transmitted in the form of data packets from the server to the client across a network. If something happens to the network -- say, the power supply of a switch or router fails -- the station goes silent. A standalone machine will keep running if its network goes away.

The fewer potential points of failure there are in a system, the more reliable it will be.


Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы
И Linus великий нам путь озарил;
Нас вырастил Stallman на верность народу,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.

On Thu, 10 Oct 2019, Mark Murdock wrote:

Would it be a good idea, bad idea or indifferent to use a Rivendell server
as the on-air playout machine? Is it best to use a client for this purpose?




Mark Murdock


90 E. 16th St.

Merced, CA 95340

(209) 723-1015




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