I’m pleased to announce the next public release of GlassCoder, a 
minimalist live audio encoder. In addition to streaming to IceCast and
Shoutcast stream aggregators, GlassCoder is capable of generating live
HLS streams and publishing them to any standard HTTP server. It is
available under the GNU Public License version 2.

From the NEWS file:
*** snip snip ***
   Dependency Changes. GlassCoder now requires Qt5, OpenSSL and TagLib
   libraries. See the 'INSTALL' file for more information.

   Metadata Support. Added a JSON-based IPC mechanism for updating timed
   metadata. See the 'METADATA' section of the glasscoder(1) man page for

   HLS Streaming. Added support for timed metadata on HLS streams, as well
   as SFTP and FILE transport options. See the 'SUPPORTED URL SCHEMES'
   section of the glasscoder(1) man page for details.

   Rivendell Support. Added a 'pypad_glasscoder.py' PyPAD script for
   integration with Rivendell 3.x.
*** snip snip ***

Further information, including full source code, is available at 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|  There is only one thing worse than having your competitors trying  |
|  to inter-operate with your systems - and that is to have your      |
|  competitors *not* trying to inter-operate with your systems.       |
|                                                                     |
|                                          -- Alan(UK), GrokLaw.net   |

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