On Thu, 28 Nov 2019, Lorne Tyndale wrote:

That's overall good advice, the only things I'd add is that I'm not a
big fan of Raid 5, I prefer Raid 1 which provides as full 1:1 mirror for
better redundancy and robustness.  When hard disks cost a lot I could

I don't like RAID at all. I prefer to build a second, fully functioning RD machine and have it mirror the first one. If I lose the first one, I switch to the backup.

My problem with RAID boils down to the reality that most of the RD systems I build are for stations with no resident technical person. If a drive in a RAID array fails, no one will notice. I'll hear about it when a second drive fails and the station goes off the air.


Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы
И Linus великий нам путь озарил;
Нас вырастил Stallman на верность народу,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.

see the benefit of Raid 5 giving you a little more storage space between
the same number of drives at the cost of a longer rebuild time and the
potential of a bigger loss if more then one drive failed.  But as has
been pointed out, hard disk storage is cheap these days, I don't see the
benefit of doing a Raid 5 array any more.

As mentioned, it is still important to have a full backup strategy.

I'm also not a fan of using USB for primary /var/snd storage.  I've had
too many instances where the USB connection drops, the cable comes lose
over time, or similar.  USB is fine if you're running it as an external
backup drive or portable storage, but I would avoid relying on USB for a
mission critical playout system.  In my view it is just running too much
of a risk.  For similar reasons I don't like using USB sound cards for
primary on-air (or other mission critical) use.

Just my $0.02

Lorne Tyndale

I actually prefer to have /var/snd on a completely separate volume. If you have the physical space to do it, I'd mirror the existing 1.5 TB drive and build a RAID5 array for /var/snd. You could get an external 4 drive USB bay to store /var/snd. Playback of stereo audio needs less than 1 Mbps, so USB wouldn't be challenged that much.

An automation system is not something you can easily rebuild quickly. It pays to have it be fault tolerant to start with. We also rsync backup of the entire system to a separate computer. It might be a little paranoid, but it's relatively low cost insurance. Our Rivendell system has now grown to a number of client stations from a single server. There's really only 2 clients that playback. The other clients are used to ingest content and build logs. We've really hardened the server. A replacement client can be cloned on short notice and the failure of a single client isn't going to cripple the operation.

- Bill

On 11/28/19 3:16 AM, drew Roberts wrote:
> Mark,
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 11:53 AM Mark Murdock > <m...@celebrationradio.com <mailto:m...@celebrationradio.com>> wrote:
>     So apparently, I need a drive much bigger than 1.5 TB unless I
>     want to run compressed files. I wish I had known this going into
>     this. The Rivendell System Requirements specify a 1 TB drive.
>     Maybe that should be bumped up to 4 TB for music stations that
>     want to store uncompressed files.
> "
>     Do I have to start over from scratch for the server, or can I
>     clone the 1.5 TB drive?
> "
> You do not have to do either.
> You can take a 2 to 4 TB drive for instance. Format it and mount it > somewhere temporarily. Copy the audio files in /var/snd to that drive. > Now *mount* that drive as /var/snd. Edit your fstab to make this mount > on boot.
> all the best,
> drew
>     If I clone the drive, won’t it preserve the 50 GB size on
>     /dev/mapper/centos-root?
>     Thanks,
>     Mark Murdock
>     KAMB
>     90 E. 16^th St.
>     Merced, CA 95340
>     (209) 723-1015
>     m...@celebrationradio.com <mailto:m...@celebrationradio.com>
>     Website <https://celebrationradio.com/>
> all the best,
> drew
> -- > Enjoy the *Paradise Island Cam* playing
> *Bahamian Or Nuttin* - https://www.paradiseislandcam.com/
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Bill Putney - WB6RFW

District 2 Commissioner - Port of Port Townsend
Chief Engineer - KPTZ
El Jefe de Contenido - Port Townsend Film Festival
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