On Dec 11, 2019, at 14:37, Seth Stevenson <ssteven...@bbnmedia.org> wrote:

> Does anyone have a good guide to using translations on Rivendell? I am using 
> the limited info on the wiki. I’m trying to get the Portuguese translation of 
> Rivendell. I am using Rivendell 2.19.2 and raspian on Jessie v8. 

Just create a system-wide environmental variable of ‘LANG=pt_BR’ and restart 

I’m not very familiar with Ubuntu, but it’s likely that there is a system 
utility that can be used to set the entire system to use a specified 
country/language locale. If you use that, Rivendell should ‘just switch over’ 
along with everything else.

> I got to the rdtranslation menu, but don’t know how it works.

Those scripts are for *creating* translations. They are not needed for merely 
using an existing translation.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
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