On Mar 13, 2020, at 15:14, David Klann <dkl...@linux.com> wrote:

> Is the Wiki a suitable place to do this? Maybe something git-based (or github-
> based) in order to continue with the current source code workflow?

Perhaps, though I suspect that that could be intimidating for many casual 
contributors. I admit that I am not conversant with the gamut of what is 
available by way of online corroborative documentation (as opposed to coding) 
tools. Perhaps some others here can fill us in!


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |
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