On 4/25/20 6:03 PM, Phil Biehl wrote:
Ok, thanks all. I’ll give it a try.


On Apr 25, 2020, at 3:53 PM, Marius Wikstøl <marius.wiks...@gmail.com> wrote:

Err, that -p is supposed to be a -g.


And to follow up on the RDCatch idea, you can also create a Macro Cart that runs the Linux command, much like Marius describes.

On my systems I have Macro Cart 50001 (any number will do, but make sure the Cart is of type "Macro") that contains a single Macro command:

RN /usr/bin/rdlogmanager -p -t -m -s Production!

In a terminal window, run "man rdlogmanager" for all the details of the options you can use.

Create that Macro Cart in RDLibrary with the appropriate options to rdlogmanager. Don't forget the exclamation mark (!) at the end; this is required. Save the new Cart and launch RDCatch.

Create a new job in RDCatch (with RDCatch->Add->Macro Cart) that runs every day at a specified time. Choose the Macro Cart you made above. When you create logs on a schedule using RDCatch you can be sure all the Rivendell services are already running because RDCatch jobs depend on them.

Hope this helps!

  ~David Klann

On 4/26/20 12:50 AM, Marius Wikstøl wrote:

I do this in crontab (crontab -e) like this.

# if rivendell daemons are running, create the next days log if it doesn't already exist 0 2 * * * [ "`systemctl is-active rivendell`" == "active" ] && /usr/local/bin/rdlogmanager -g -t -P -s Production
It creates the next day's log at 2 am (if it doesn't already exist) so it's always a day ahead. Works like a charm. My installation (rdlogmanager) is under /usr/local/bin, but yours might be in /usr/bin

-p - generate log
-t - merge traffic
-P don't overwrite existing log
-s <service>


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