Hi Phil,

On 5/5/20 9:07 AM, Phil Biehl wrote:
This begs the question how does one insure a full days log? My logs are short by a few hours.


The "conventional" way to ensure full Logs is to configure your Clocks with enough Events so that some Events will not be played. This technique also requires the use of Timed Events (either strict Hard Start, or Make Next). Most stations I work with place one or more Timed Events in all their Clocks (at least one, at the top of the hour).

Configuring Clocks in this way ensures that your hours are "overfilled" and you then end up dropping a few Carts each hour. Note that even though Carts are picked and placed when the Logs are generated, they won't be marked as "Played" if RDAirPlay skips them.

I have attached a "clock report" from my lab system to illustrate (in textual form) the difference between a "short" Clock and an "over-filled" Clock. Events in both Clocks add up to 59 minutes of content, but "AnyMusic" contains more Events, most of which will end up being shorter in duration than the actual Carts RDLogManager chooses from the Library (the average length of all the Music Cuts in my Library is 4:44).

There's probably a lot more behind this discussion -- feel free to ask more questions!

Hope it helps a bit!

  ~David Klann

20 Events for Clock "MusicShortHour"
        * Legal Timed Make next at 00:00 for 00:05 (ending at 00:05)
        *              AnyMusic at 00:05 for 02:55 (ending at 03:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 03:00 for 03:00 (ending at 06:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 06:00 for 03:00 (ending at 09:00)
        *           Voicetrack1 at 09:00 for 02:00 (ending at 11:00)
        *                 Promo at 14:45 for 00:15 (ending at 15:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 15:00 for 03:00 (ending at 18:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 18:00 for 03:00 (ending at 21:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 21:00 for 03:00 (ending at 24:00)
        *           Voicetrack2 at 24:00 for 02:00 (ending at 26:00)
        *               Traffic at 29:45 for 00:15 (ending at 30:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 30:00 for 03:00 (ending at 33:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 33:00 for 03:00 (ending at 36:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 36:00 for 03:00 (ending at 39:00)
        *           Voicetrack3 at 39:00 for 02:00 (ending at 41:00)
        *                 Promo at 45:00 for 00:15 (ending at 45:15)
        *              AnyMusic at 45:15 for 03:45 (ending at 49:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 49:00 for 04:00 (ending at 53:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 53:00 for 04:00 (ending at 57:00)
        *           Voicetrack4 at 57:00 for 02:00 (ending at 59:00)

26 Events for Clock "AnyMusic"
        * Legal Timed Make next at 00:00 for 00:05 (ending at 00:05)
        *                 Blues at 00:05 for 02:55 (ending at 03:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 03:00 for 03:00 (ending at 06:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 06:00 for 03:00 (ending at 09:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 09:00 for 03:00 (ending at 12:00)
        *           Voicetrack1 at 12:00 for 02:00 (ending at 14:00)
        *                   PSA at 14:00 for 01:00 (ending at 15:00)
        *                 Promo at 14:45 for 00:15 (ending at 15:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 15:00 for 03:00 (ending at 18:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 18:00 for 03:00 (ending at 21:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 21:00 for 03:00 (ending at 24:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 24:00 for 03:00 (ending at 27:00)
        *           Voicetrack2 at 27:00 for 02:00 (ending at 29:00)
        *               Traffic at 29:45 for 00:15 (ending at 30:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 30:00 for 03:00 (ending at 33:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 33:00 for 03:00 (ending at 36:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 36:00 for 03:00 (ending at 39:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 39:00 for 03:00 (ending at 42:00)
        *           Voicetrack3 at 42:00 for 02:00 (ending at 44:00)
        *                   PSA at 44:00 for 01:00 (ending at 45:00)
        *                 Promo at 45:00 for 00:15 (ending at 45:15)
        *              AnyMusic at 45:15 for 02:45 (ending at 48:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 48:00 for 03:00 (ending at 51:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 51:00 for 03:00 (ending at 54:00)
        *              AnyMusic at 54:00 for 03:00 (ending at 57:00)
        *           Voicetrack4 at 57:00 for 02:00 (ending at 59:00)
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