Hi Chris,

On 5/5/20 10:19 AM, you wrote:

I’m new in here… thanks in advance for any help.

I configured RDLibrary to use CD Metadata Source as ‘MusicBrainz’ and the Server as ‘musicbrainz.org’.

It did not populate the tags and I’m getting error:

/‘Connection Exception’/

/‘Last Result: 1’/

/‘Last HTTPCode: 0’/

/‘LastErrorMessage: Could not resolve hostname ‘musicbrainz.org’: Host not found’/

FreeDB seems Ok.

Any help would be much appreciated.

This seems like a basic network connectivity or DNS name resolution issue to me.

Can you ping musicbrainz.org from a command line on the same computer on which you are trying to rip the CD? I recommend copying the text from where it is set in the RDLibrary configuration (RDAdmin->Manage Hosts->[hostname]->RDLibrary) and pasting it in a terminal window.

Check the file /etc/resolv.conf on that same computer if you cannot ping musicbrainz.org. /etc/resolv.conf should be configured automatically if your computer is automatically obtaining an IP address from a DHCP server on your network.

Hope this helps!

  ~David Klann

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