
A few things.  I'm going to assume you're using straight ALSA and not
Jack or otherwise.

Start off in a terminal and type:

cat /proc/asound/modules

This should give you a list of the audio cards that ALSA sees.  It'll be
a list something like the following:

$ cat /proc/asound/modules
 0 snd_hda_intel
 1 snd_usb_audio

Next, it sometimes helps to lock this audio card order in place via the
/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file.  If the file exists on your
computer (you'll need to be root to edit it) then you may need to edit
it.  If the file does not exist then you may need to create it.  Use the
Options line(s) to lock the card order in place.  For example, the above
can have the Intel and USB order being 0 and 1 by having the
/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file looking like this:

options snd_hda_intel index=0
options snd_usb_audio index=1

Once you've set up your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file then when
you reboot the audio card order should always be what you specified. 
Then set up your card(s) in rdalsaconfig

Double check your /etc/asound.conf file - I've found that a number of
onboard chipsets need the rate line to specify the bitrate, and older
versions of rdalsaconfig didn't always put that line in there.  You'll
need to be root to add this line if it is missing.  Add the line for all
the audio cards in your setup and use the same sample rate for all your
cards.  So for example:

pcm.rd0 {
  type hw
  card PCH
  device 0
  rate 48000   <-- This line is sometimes missed
ctl.rd0 {
  type hw
  card PCH

Once this is done, restart your rivendell services and see what you get.

Hope this helps

Lorne Tyndale

> Attempting to
> install the v2 appliance on a new Lenovo S340 laptop.  It does not
> appear to obey the contents of asound.conf.  Onboard PCH and external
> Dr. DAC Nano both connected and seen by ALSA and RDAlsaConfig. 
> Choosing both of them in RDAlsaConfig makes them show in asound.conf,
> but the Nano is missing in Audio Resources.
> Even if I specify
> the card by name and put the onboard PCH as RD card 1, it always
> comes up as card 0 and is the only active card.
> Anyone encountered
> this and found a fix?
> --Chuck<hr>_______________________________________________
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